Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009


We had such a fun Halloween! It was a pretty special day at our house, because it was Izzy's first official day home in three weeks. I had surgery, so she had to be gone until I was feeling up to taking care of her again. I missed her so bad! We all went to the "trunk-or treat" at the stake center that night. We really lucked out because the weather was SO nice! It was fun being there with my Mom and Dad and Scott and Amanda and my adorable nephews! Shaelyn was a vampire, Spencer was Batman, and Izzy was a bunny. Their costumes all turned out awesome! David and I also put tatoos on our faces and darkened our eyes to make ourselves look like zombies. It was a really fun night!

Pumpkin Carving!

Last Wednesday we carved our pumpkins with Shilayna and Travis Parker, like we do every year. We had so much fun. We only wish that our sweet Izzy could have been home to help us carve her pumpkin. She was in Utah last week with John & Kirsten, because it was still hard on Natalie having her home. Thankfully she was able to come home on Saturday for Halloween...and she is still just as sweet as ever!

Shaelyn's Recitle

Shaelyn had her second recital the day before Halloween. Her piano teacher is so impressed with her talent. She hasn't been playing for very long, but she continues to amaze David and I with the way she plays. We noticed when she was about one she would be very musically talented. We are so proud of our little girl!